Questions and answers about Swiss Tesla plates

  1. Unmeasurable radiation of harmonizers

    • Question: Why do you claim that the plates work when their radiation is not measurable?
    • Answer: The plates do not create a magnetic or electric field, but work with "zero point energy", which is still being researched. You should try the plates in person to verify their effectiveness.
  2. Remote operation of the plates

    • Question: They say your records stop working after a year, but another company's products are supposedly better quality and more expensive. What do you think about that?
    • Answer: Our company works with Tesla's principles, which are still used in various technologies. The plates are still effective after years, and the price is lower because we have good distribution conditions.
  3. Comparison of effectiveness with other products

    • Question: I have tried products from other companies, but your plates are much more effective. Why is that?
    • Answer: Our plates are designed to resonate with the chakras, which may explain the faster effect. They work on the physical basis of the interaction of different energies.
  4. Re-energizing with plates

    • Question: Can over-energizing or negative effects occur when using the plates?
    • Answer: We have not experienced any negative effects. There may be energy shifts that lead to temporary states of euphoria or cleansing processes that are harmless.
  5. Daily application and no change

    • Question: I use the plates regularly but I don't feel any effects. How do I know they are working?
    • Answer: If you are feeling relatively healthy, the effects may be more subtle and will appear later. Daily application helps you stabilize your living conditions and emotional balance.
  6. Skeptical opinions about records

    • Question: I tried the plates and didn't feel any effect. I don't think it works.
    • Answer: If you don't find the plates effective, that's your opinion. Not everyone has to have the same experience, but we recommend not losing your openness to other experiences.
  7. Seminars and chakra verticalization

    • Question: I attended a seminar on tachyon products where they talked about chakra verticalization. Do you offer similar seminars?
    • Answer: We do not organize such seminars because verticalization is a process that depends on individual work on oneself. Plates can help, but the process takes longer and there are no "miracle" quick fixes.
  8. Clearing blocks and verticalizing chakras

    • Question: Do you have a similar effect to other products in clearing energy blocks and verticalizing chakras?
    • Answer: Plates can support the purification of energy bodies, but the verticalization of chakras is a process that depends on the individual's spiritual development. Technologies such as plates can help, but they do not lead to permanent verticalization.
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